V Energy – V Pure

Ever wondered what you’d get if you crossed the natural goodness of the Amazon with the awesomeness of V? – You’d get the unadulterated, natural energy of V Pure, of course!

V Pure aims to cater to Australians who want an energy drink containing naturally-sourced ingredients and no-added sugars.

Ideal for people who are seeking the usual V energy boost and taste but without added sugars or artificial flavours – V Pure will make people question their expectations around what energy drinks look and taste like and above all, what they contain.

Made from just 5 natural ingredients:

  • sparkling water
  • apple juice
  • lemon juice
  • natural flavour
  • guarana

Located: Drinks aisle

Size: 275ml

Release date: Released

Road test: Untested

Visit website: Click here

Shelf price: ∼$5.00

Available from: Coles, Woolworths, various IGA/Foodland/independent supermarkets and convenience stores

Distribution: National
